Incredible Android App Developers Are Ready To Collaborate On Your Next Project


It seems as though just a few years ago, no one had ever heard of an app. Now it seems as though apps are the most popular thing out there! Even television shows are jumping on the app bandwagon, portraying app development as the new chic thing to do.


Apps have quickly moved beyond a means to access e-mail or play games — they are now the go-to means to shop, pay for items at retail stores, access specialized information, and even make travel or financial plans. As application technology becomes more and more sophisticated, savvy businesses are taking advantage of it to make sure that their customers carry those businesses with them wherever they go.

For any company who wants their customers to be able to access their goods or services on the fly at the touch of a button, mobile app development is clearly the way to go.

But while it’s an increasingly good idea for businesses to hop onto the “application express,” actually boarding it is not quite that simple. As effortless as applications look once they’re successfully downloaded onto devices, the process of getting from conception to delivery is not quite that simple.

We live in DIY times to be sure, and there are indeed multiple online sites that claim to be able to walk users with minimal or no technological ability through the simple steps of creating their own application for mobile devices. The reality however, is that this shortcut, cookie cutter approach results in “apps” that are incompatible with systems and platforms, and that lack the research and analytic ability to reach customers, satisfy them, and — most importantly — keep them coming back.

So rather than doing it yourself, looking to a shoddy freelancer or e-lancer, or hiring your friend’s start-up, you should instead remember that businesses in the app market do best by looking for a development studio that hires not just code writers, but project managers, business analysts, creative artists, and Android-specific app developers.

Such a developer should not only fully understand how to utilize a mobile platform, but also be able to make their non-tech-savvy clients experts in the field as well, through step by step communication and collaboration. After all, the point of a mobile app is not to simply have an icon taking up space on a screen, but to offer a pulse point connecting businesses and their clients, and offering the most agile and evolving technology available.

The current debate in app platform development is the prioritization of native applications (still heavily used by Android app developers and others) vs. HTML5, which uses the whole Web as its playground. Both methods have their pros and cons, and the right development studio can walk clients through all of their options and help them come to the right decisions regarding which choices make the most sense.

This article can help you get a better idea of the how the debate is evolving, but a truly adaptable and competitive app development company (with the right portfolio to back up their opinions!) will be able to inform you of all the facts. In fact, high-quality mobile trends are pointing toward innovative studios with reputable portfolios — like Toronto’s Clearbridge Mobile, whose partners include several Fortune 500 companies such as The New York Times, USA Today, and PayPal.

A business in the market for a new app wants a developer that will be creating this app specifically for them. For precisely this reason, Clearbridge Mobile offers Android app development that is custom-tailored to businesses, their needs, their creators’ personalities, and market demands. Businesses on the lookout for game-changing apps don’t want cookie cutter replicas or shoddy knock-offs.

They want a studio that wants to work closely with them — a studio that wants their feedback. They want a developer that won’t proceed without that feedback, yet one who understands that apps need to be produced on time and on budget, in order to stay competitive. Clients want a mobile app company that doesn’t just make claims, but one that backs them up with references and a strong portfolio. Check out Clearbridge Mobile to see what kind of app building companies are out there to professionally and efficiently design your next Android app.

If you are a smart business, then you want a smart studio that is experienced, innovative, agile, and able to deliver results, and not just promises. You want an Android app developer that will take your project and make it a reality.

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