PGPTools : A New App for Encryption/Decryption of Text


As the technology around us is getting better with every new product coming in the market, the fear of losing the privacy is also taking on our nerves. The hackers all around the world are actively looking for your private and business related stuff and in such circumstances, we have to look for a reliable solution. Recently launched app named PGPTools is being talked a lot as a reliable and most convenient solution for safeguard of our texts that are important to us. Let’s have a closer look over this app.


PGPTools is basically a new app for encryption/decryption of text that allows encrypting just about any text message in a single click and further more can be forwarded on any of the platform, example, e-mail, Skype, SMS, Viber, whatsapp and other such platforms. The encrypted message will be received by the user and now to decrypt it, the receiver should use PGPTools app once again. Your message will safely get received by the one whom only ‘you’ wanted to send.

PGPTools is based on the famous and secure PGP (Pretty good privacy) encryption standard and hence is reliable because this PGP encryption is not yet been cracked since 1991. So you can easily trust on the technique that is being unbeaten since more than 2 decades.

Another great thing about PGPTools app is that its available on every famous platform like popular mobile (Android, WinPhone, iOS)  and desktop (Windows, Mac) platforms. So you can simply search your e-stores and download the app to safeguard your chats.

PGPTools is also allowing you to generate the keys to decrypt the message. It also allows you to import and export the key. The whole purpose of keys is to further complicate the chances of hacking of your personal message. It gives you an extra layer of protection from getting hacked.

Now let’s have a look at some of the features of PGPTools that makes it a good buy:

  • Supports all popular platforms – Mac & iOS, WinPhone, Android, Win8-10: You can have and use this app on any of the platform as it supports them all.
  • Encryption is provided by PGP (Pretty Good Privacy): The demand of the app is because of its reliability and PGP ensures the same. PGP is one of the most reliable methods of asymmetric encryption and hence ensures the PGPTools app as secured from getting hacked.
  • Ability to use different PGP keys for each message: It’s like icing over the cake. Different keys for different messages, ensures the extra covering of security over your already encrypted message.
  • Securing each pair of keys with a separate password: Another layer of safely is provided by securing each pair of key with a separate password. So the message will get decrypted using a key and key is secured by a password.
  • Ability to import/export the keys: PGPTools allow easy import and export of the keys, so you don’t have to bang your head over the issue of finding the keys for your encrypted messages.
  • It’s easy to use and user-friendly: Everything will stand still if this feature wasn’t provided. Because the app is designed for your convenience and nothing seems to be convenient if it seems complicated. So the app is pretty much user friendly and hence can be operated easily.

PGPTools is a good app if you have something to secure over the text from getting leaked. Its features and extra layers of protections make it a good buy. Being a PGP inspired product, it promises to be reliable as it declares to be.

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