iPad 3 Magic Makes Surfing a Breeze

The new iPad 3 was released on March 16, 2012, with much fanfare. It received an overall overhaul that made it faster and more appealing to look at. The iPad 3’s retina display was also revamped and now boasts a sharper display.

In this article we will look at all of the new and upgraded features, in depth. We will see just how far the latest version of the iPad has come, from its humble beginnings.

It’s as Clear as Crystal

The newest reincarnation of the iPad has four times more pixels than the iPad 2. It gives the user a much more realistic experience with unbelievably lifelike images. The increase in resolution and color saturation ensures that viewing pictures, text and video is an out of the world experience. The technology behind creating a display that pops is completely innovative. The engineers at Apple were able to separate the pixels from the display signals. This allows the pixels to operate on another plane, which in turn translates into much better image quality.

The crystal clear screen also enables the possibility of watching movies on your ipad 3 without compromising on the quality of the image. In that case why not join an online streaming service such as LOVEFiLM or Netflix UK and enjoy unlimited movies. To compare the two and see which is best for you, have a look on netflix vs lovefilm.

iPad 3 Chips Away at Its Competitors

The quad-core A5X chip powers the iPad 3 into a stratosphere where the majority of its contenders just can’t compete. The chip is the brains behind the retina display. It allows this feature to operate at maximum efficiency, speed and quality. All this and the iPad 3 still delivers up to ten hours of power on time to play with.

iPad 3 Operates With Precision

  • The iPad 3’s interface is designed with your fingertips in mind. The new iOS 5 operating system intuitively knows where and how you like to access your applications, email and the web.
  • The list of amazing features are too many to mention here, however here’s a few to whet your appetite:
  • Twitter Integration
  • Safari Browser
  • Messages with iMessages
  • Newsstand
  • Notification Center

iSight You!

The new iPad 3 iSight camera boasts a decent 5 megapixels, allowing you to capture sharp and high quality still images. The built-in face focus detection ensures that every picture is picture-perfect! The camera also delivers in the areas of optics, processor and software. The advanced optics produces the best possible photos. The included hybrid infrared filter is a feature that ensures cleaner and more accurate images. The lens is designed to  capture light and transform it into a picture that is shaper and better quality.

Is Fast Fast Enough For the iPad 3?

The iPad 3 comes with both Wi-Fi and 4G Network technologies built-in.  What does that mean for you? Simple really. You are able to browse the Internet, download films and stream videos, all at amazingly fast speeds.
It also supports GSM/UMTS worldwide network. These networks facilitate incredibly fast surfing, downloading and streaming abilities.

The double cellular antennas are tuned to twelve separate bands, giving you the access to a much larger frequency field. Go anywhere in the world and more likely that not, you will be able to get online. This most recent version of the iPad is set to satisfy Apple fans for the moment, at least. However talk is already turning towards the iPad 4.

Some changes to look out for are, a slimmer model, perhaps without the trademark bezel. We may also see a smaller screen, although this might be a miss with iPad enthusiasts. And like the majority of mobile devices, customers are still crying out for longer battery life. It remains to be seen if the next generation of iPad will resolve all of the concerns and shortfalls surrounding tablet PCs.

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