Top 13 Rumors about the iPhone 6

iPhone 6

Apple is one of those companies that do not allow other gadget making companies to come anywhere near the competition provided by the company. The company launches innovative and creative gadgets every year and this is how it has made the trend and the tradition in the market.

iPhone 6

The company has already filed the patent for the new iPhone 6 and it is rumored to be launched in September 2013.  The iPhone cases and accessories have always been made by the dealers online and the physical market before the launch but after the official announcement from Apple about the new gadget to be launched.

iPhone 6 Rumored features

The rumors always shape up the minds of people about buying or not buying the gadget. This is how the market is made or broken for a particular gadget always. That is why you always see a long line of people waiting outside the Apple retail stores when some new gadget is to be launched.

Some of the rumored features of the iPhone 6 are as follows, however it is not necessary that they would for sure be included in the phone. After all that is why we call them rumors. They are about the screen, the resolution, the making of the gadget and the overall features in the terms of the apps and specs. They are as follows:

  1. The screen size may not be elongated just like in the iPhone 5, however, but may come with a slider keyboard underneath the screen. So it would not be a total touch based phone, but with a physical QWERTY keyboard. The 6 and the 6 pro will both be based on different features of the body, one with a keyboard and one without.

  2. The phone will be launched in different colors and the black and white colors will not be the signature marks in the future.

  3. The screen will be of many plastic layers, giving the user a feeling of 3D physical touch facility.

  4. The virtual QWERTY keyboard will be able to let the users feel what they are touching based on the haptics technology.

  5. The screen will also have the smoother feel of touch as the screen will be anti crack. The Corning glass may not be used in it, but there are other technologically advanced screens available in the retina display.

  6. The dimensions of the screen may be 4.55.

  7. The apps are all new and this time you will be able to carry out all your financial stuff with the help of the iPhone 6 iWallet. The app is sure to help you out in transactions done and payments done from the credit cards. You will also be able to map out your bank account as well with your iPhone 6.

  8. The current new model of the iPhone is quite slimmer. With the addition of the key board in the iPhone 6 pro, the phone may become a bit bulky. And here we thought that Blackberry coming out with total touch based phone is doing a fair job. Let us see, who wins.

  9. The screen is said to be activated with sub-woofers and tweeters.

  10. The screen is also said to have a feature for detecting sound waves.

  11. Some geeks also say that the iPhone 6 may be much wider like a tablet or like the Samsung Note II. This is something to be happy about as nowadays the trend of the market is going towards the liking for wider gadgets.

  12. The resolution of the screen will be 1280 X 720 pixels.

  13. The weight is supposed to be 139 grams. The version without the keyboard will be 120 grams.

Let us wait for what it is like to feel and use the gadget in real with the actual features. Let us hope, this time the iPhone 6 does not also have the glitches found by some users in the iPhone 5 along with the amp and other failure apps.

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