How To Use Facebook Cover Photos – 3 Important Things To Know

You must be wondering what is Facebook Cover photo? Well it is nothing else but just like a blog header, and these are meant to grab attention of all such users who are visiting your Facebook profile. If you are using a personalized and unique cover photo, anyone who is viewing the page will definitely learn more about the page, or about that person’s preferences.

In case, you are someone who does not have the cover photos on your profile, you are required to customize your profile to the newer version which is called as the Timeline. You do not know how to do it? Following are some of the fundamental points you need to be aware of regarding these cover photos:

Facebook Cover Photos – What Are They?

A cover photo is actually a large photo or image that is above your profile image that is made public. It means that anyone who is visiting your Facebook profile can see it, unlike other images with customized privacy settings. The primary difference between a cover photo and profile photos is that the cover photo is right next to your name, which makes it a lot easier for other to recognize your profile on Facebook, whereas the profile image is at the top of your timeline and this is an exclusive representation of who you actually are. In reality, while you are considering adding a cover photo, you are normally asked to come up with an image that is exclusive form your life and not something that can be easily found on anyone else’s profile, images, timeline with commercial rationale or copyrights infringing content.

How You Can Add A Cover Photo On Your Facebook Profile

While you are considering creating a timeline banner on your Facebook profile, you are required to follow the following steps:

  • Browse through the timeline feature on your profile.
  • Click on the tab that states ‘Add a Cover’
  • Select an exclusive image and then upload it
  • Click on the photo and drag it upwards or downward until it is where you actually want it to be.
  • Once you are done, click on the ‘Save changes’ tab.
  • What Should Be The Cover Size?

The size of your cover photo must be approximately 851 x 315 pixels – In case you consider uploading a smaller or larger images, it can be easily scale to a width of 851 pixel. On the other hand, if you are uploading an image that is narrower than 720 pixels, you will be prompted to have another one. Your profile images will also be resized to around 125 x 125 pixels. Therefore it is best that you crop your images on your own, so that they do not appear somewhat awkward when they are resized automatically.

As a matter of fact, it is not something tough to set up your Facebook cover photo, you are only required to have an appropriate image, make few clicks and that is just all!

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