Facebook Is Not Going to Bury Google

2011 was a glorious year for Facebook . The most popular social network in the world has finally reached 800 million registered users and 300 million users for its mobile application. Facebook is also preparing its IPO with a valuation exceeding $ 100 billion, all in line with the final release of the new type of profile called Facebook Timeline.

A huge success if the network is often said that he buried the giant web of Google . But do not talk too fast? Clearly, though. Facebook will not be the “Google-killer”. In any case, Facebook did not have the potential right now. Two figures are proof of this hypothesis: the income generated in 2011 by both companies. Where Facebook has generated $4 billion, Google has done ten times better, reaching  $40billion.

While the social network is still very young , Zuckerberg hoped to compete effectively with the firm in Mountain View. Still, many analysts agree about the same conclusion: Facebook is ultimately not about to dethrone Google, much less to bury, for one reason: the web search is much more profitable than social networks.

Facebook is currently found only on one segment of the Web sphere, the social media, while Google and its many services dominate the market. And that’s including the research that says Web supremacy. Indeed, research on the internet is the best way at present to value advertising on the Web.Although it is also growing on social networks, we are nowhere near the impact of search engines. Users of the various social media bring a lot more interest in interaction with others, rather than view the various advertisements scattered here and there. In contrast, according to Business Insider , users will focus on product research on search engines like Google, and will be more receptive to advertising they will meet via this way.

The Web search enhanced by advertising, remains the preserve of Google, which has largely ascendancy over its rival in this respect. Nevertheless, one can imagine that with its 800 million users that continue to reproduce, Facebook can become a serious competitor in this sector if it decided to invest in turn in the market for online search.

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