Niches to Consider for Your New Website

Niche Not Cliché – Here are some Niches to consider for your new website. When you make a website your number one consideration should be the niche you are going to write in. This is what will dictate every other aspect of your website and each of your style and design choices. Here we will look at some niches that you might want to consider and what some of their advantages and disadvantages are so that you can come to a decision.

Each of these niches would make a great topic for a website, but they are also very different in terms of who they might attract and how you’d go about writing them.


Fitness and health is a hugely broad niche and it’s one that you will be able to get a lot of success in. The problem with fitness and health is of course how much competition there is. People often use the internet in order to look for health and fitness information because everyone wants to be in better shape and wants to be well so that they can survive (it’s a basic human drive). However at the same time there is also one disadvantage – which is that everyone knows this and as such there are hundreds of sites out there on health and fitness all of which will be your competition if you decide to go ahead with that particular topic.

Your mission then is to come up with a particular corner within health to focus on. This could be dental health, it could be bodybuilding, or it could be reviews of medications. And at the same time even if you choose a broader and more varied topic within health you can still focus on trying to come up with some really niche articles and pages within that topic.


Why have included these two as a single point rather than separate heading? It’s not because ne so often leads to the other, but rather because they are both great options for the same reason.. That reason is simple – both of these are topics that will apply to a huge number of people (almost half the population) but at the same time they will only apply to them at a specific time in their lives.

SO you have a gigantic audience, but at the same time that audience is going to be smaller at any given time. This also gives you some very obvious marketing opportunities and some very useful products to sell. Like health, this can sometimes seem like a matter of life and death and so people who are looking for your site will be very fixated on the topic.

Films, Games and Comics

I don’t mean films, games and comics in general – though this is a popular and very broad topic. Rather I’m talking about particular franchises within these areas such as ‘The Iron Man Fan’, ‘Buffy’s Basement’, ‘Friends Forever’, ‘Star Wars Online’ or whatever else you want to create. These are great topics as they appeal to a fairly broad audience (these are all popular series) and at the same time though they also have their diehard fans who will post on our forums and come back a lot.

If you are genuinely interested in the characters this will help as you can link your hobby with your livelihood and because it will mean you are more inclined to update your site often and your passion will probably come through and translate into a good website.

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