5 Best Writing Apps 2019 for Academic Needs

Writing Apps

Well, when another semester comes along, you are sure that this time everything will be different – you will write all your papers on your own, you will be a better student, and you will never violate the deadlines. Maybe it’s true, but it will be much more comfortable with this set of writing apps 2019 for academic needs recommended by a team of experts from Smart Writing Service designed to help students with their writing papers.

Writing Apps

Focus Writer

The major thing is said in its name – it helps you to focus. When asked, most of the students blame lack of concentration in their inability to write quality papers and submit them on time. This app doesn’t help you with grammar, or style, or reference.

However, it helps with putting your social media browsing aside and focusing on what you need to write. Themes are customized, alarms, and reminders are not rigid; the menu is portable and not distracting. You can pay for an additional package that will include spell-checking and some extra features, but we don’t recommend doing it, as it is rather weak. Just use the free basic option, and you will be more than fine.

College Essay Writing Help

Among all the variety of writing services, we’ve chosen this one due to its ability to deal with the most complex papers on time. There is no such thing as the best writing app because their strong sides are different, but with this app you can count on stable quality, timely college essay writing assistance, and affordable prices, even when it comes to difficult, urgent papers.

They hire only Masters and Ph.D. degree holders to deal with orders in question, and you have full control over the process. Of course, we don’t mean that you should entrust it with your entire writing load, but when you don’t have enough time for some essay, it is the best option.

The Write Practice

Practice makes perfect. It is a rather commonly used saying, which makes it boring, but doesn’t make it wrong. This service is provided by the company that makes online forms, as a way to attract customers and visitors. Well, no problem from our side – such promo is both effective and useful. First of all, you have to deal with a brief but rather detailed test about your needs and problems related to writing.

It is suitable both for students and those who want to publish their first book or newspaper article. Later, you fill in the form and receive an email with the results of the test. Based on the result, you get some engaging tasks, dealing with which is supposed to make you a better writer. From what we’ve seen, this option is worth trying.

Hubspot Blog Topic Generator

We promised to write about academic writing only, but we see it this way – as practice makes perfect, the more you write in general, the better academic writer you become. This service offers to help you with topics for your blog posts or other papers. You type the word that characterizes your theme in general and gets 5 or more than 200 topics you can use for content-creating.

You don’t pay anything – to get more topics. You just have to add some personal details, like phone and email. Of course, it means more spam, but it also means much more topics you can use for your content-plan, so it is not that high price to pay.

Pro Writing Aid

This service is a complex tutor. It can work for free, of course with come limited scope, and it can be much more efficient if you pay $70-$80 annually. Considering the fact that it helps with grammar, style, plagiarism, it can be integrated with the numerous apps and platforms, this price doesn’t sound too bad. It is even better, that at first, you can try free options. Someone may call it a step-brother of Grammarly, but it seems to be much more advanced and perspective.

There are dozens of others services and websites you can use to become more efficient in writing, but it is a wise idea to stop browsing looking for the best one, and start using the optimal ones right away.


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