Track Working Time of Your Employees with Timesheet Tracking Software

time tracking software

Timesheet tracking software allows you to track the working time of each of your employees very easily and comfortably. Just by tracking the working time of your employees through timesheet tracking software, you can get a grip over your business.

time tracking software

This can be done by streamlining your HR processes using the various timesheet tracking software available over the internet. One such software is the online HR software solution by Timesheet Portal online.

Features of Timesheet Tracking Software

This timesheet tracking software comes with a variety of amazing features that make your work easier and quick. This not only helps you save time but also enables you to make the most of each penny that you spend. Let us know about some of its amazing features mentioned below.

Online Time Tracking

The timesheet tracking software allows you track time online from any corner. It is very easy to set up your tracking time and is also easy to use. You get plenty of options that can be used to customize this time tracking software for all types of businesses.

Whether you run your business on project base or you are a recruitment agency, this time tracking software has options for all. You can also link this online time tracking system to rates. This will allow you to track your internal costs and margins.

Online Expense Forms

You have to work more for keeping your expense forms organized. Timesheet portal allows you to capture, authorize and pay expense forms using the online expenses forms offered by them.

This way all your expenses data remains secured at one place. These online expense forms offer you the options to track your internal as well as your client expenses, track mileage, record these expenses in a variety of currencies format and send receipts directly from your mobile phone.

Time off Bookings

You can book and manage the time off for all your employees. This way you can keep a record of all the leaves that your employees take from work. The leave management system by Timesheet portal is capable of tracking all leaves including the annual leave, sick leave or maternity leave.

You can also share the holiday calendar for your business with all your employees online so that everyone gets access to it and there exist no confusion later.

Client Invoicing

You can set the automatic process for creating customer invoices that will use the time and expenses logged on the system. This will save a lot of your time and efforts, which you can invest in growing up your business.

You do not have to have to worry anymore about creating and sending invoices to your customers with the client invoicing feature by Timesheet portal. You can use your own invoice template here.

Track Project Budgets

Timesheet tracking software also keeps a track of your projects and jobs along with all its comprehensive reports. You can set your internal and client budgets here. This will help you in keeping a track of project budgets over time so as to ensure that you do not exceed the limit. It is extremely essential so as to earn desired profits.

Synchronize Data

Timesheet tracking software synchronizes all the data, reports, project budgets, leaves of your employees, working time, etc. It is available at your service to track everything that is required by a business. You can also import custom import solutions in order to integrate with your HR or recruitment database.

Final Say

Online timesheets by the Timesheet Portal is here to replace all the large piles of paper that stock your office. You get more flexibility and work tracking gets even more precise with the amazing features of this timesheet tracking software. Your employees can submit timesheets online, the manager can approve them there itself and all work gets systemize.

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