How do web hosting service providers enhance SEO performance?


With SEO in picture, everything you do online turns heads to your SEO performance. Whether your online presence is targeted at increasing your business sales or fetching more visitors to your personal blog, SEO should be your only mantra and ultimate aim. In other words, every step you take online must enhance your Search Engine Performance.


Keeping this in view, acquiring a website with fancy designs and catchy appearance is extremely futile if it does not help you to bag those higher rankings at the search engine pages. Today, the purpose of a website has shifted entirely from a platform that offered an attractive user experience to a significant tool for your business’s SEO strategy.

Even a simple web design is well acceptable as far as it is fuelling your SEO performance. Along the lines of these prominent trends, your website should primarily be SEO friendly so that it can serve as an advantage to your business by pulling in potential clients and visitor sales. The ranking of a website in a search engine depends on a number of notable elements. One of them is the hosting service provider which is employed by the company that owns your site.

Get the drift of the SEO

Before you strategize or devise a plan to hit those top ranks at the search engine pages, you must first understand the algorithm behind the same. Whenever a user is looking for an information relating to a particular keyword or phrase at a search engine, she or he is provided with an array of websites according to the search term just entered. These websites are assorted according to their search engine rankings.

As per the rule of thumb, a user will not check website links beyond the first page unless of course he is a thorough researcher with abundance of  time on his hands. In other words, SEO determines the search engine ranking. So you must make efforts to perform outstandingly in terms of SEO.

The close correlation between the SEO performance and the hosting service provider

Page Speed is one of the vital deciding factors for SEO performance. According to the algorithm followed by Google for evaluating the website ranking, the pace at which the page of a site load is significant. The faster your web page loads, the higher your site will be ranked on the search engines.

To achieve this, you must get your hosting services from reliable companies. Choosing the one based in the same area as your targeted customer base can serve as an advantage as this will speed up the web page loading by reducing the number of nodes for data passed between the web server and the site visitor.

Cherry-pick a provider which offers additional web optimization tools

It is always an expedient idea to select a provider that  offers several extra web optimization tools in its services. Some of these optimization means automatically and efficiently compresses all the website files before sending them to any of the site viewers. This aids in enriching the user experience with your website thereby promoting both rankings and sales.

Such a tool is usually available in the CPanel. In case you are not sure if your existing hosting provider offers any such plan, you must try to consult the customer service representative.

Single out the provider that offers you a Unique IP

There are usually two forms of an IP address- Shared IP and Unique IP. Under the shared IP, your website will share its IP address with several other websites. In case any one of the group is blacklisted or blocked by the Internet Services Provides, others will equally suffer. On the contrary, with a unique IP address, your website will have greater stability, reliability and durability.

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