Social Media Marketing Strategies to Market Your Mobile App

In order to ensure that an app you have created has a bright commercial future; you need to know some social media marketing strategies to market your mobile app. Many people feel that designing a good app is enough to ensure that people and customers will be interested in purchasing it.


To be truthful, the matter should have been the simple. If you have designed an app that can help a number of mobile users, then there should not be any reason that people will not be interested in it. But, today the market is flooded with several hundreds of thousands of different apps that perform several different functions. So, when you launch your app into the market, even before people can use it, they need to find it and be acquainted with it.

In today’s scenario there is an unimaginable amount of competition in whatever genre of app you plan to design. This is why, it is next to impossible to come up with an idea that has never been attempted or tried out before. Apps are launched every day of the week. So, you need to ensure that the one you have designed does not get lost or drowned under the flood of new ones that will hit the market on the same or coming days.

To do this, you need to have profound knowledge about the marketing strategies to market your mobile app using social media. This will let you publicise the app that you have designed and as a result, people will be aware of its existence. Unless people know about your app and the benefits that it has over the similar apps of the same genre, it is quite unlikely that you will be able to make much profit out of it.

Some of the Social Media Marketing Strategies to Market Your Mobile App:

So what are some of the good social media marketing strategies to market your mobile app? Social Medias are not an alien concept to any internet user today. Most of thre world now keeps in touch with each other through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter etc.

Every single day, people post millions of updates on these sites and check out a ton of new news. So should it really surprise you to think that effective marketing of mobile apps can only be done by using the social media marketing strategies to market your mobile app? Let us check out some of the common and highly helpful strategies that you can use to help your app gain popularity among users and new customers alike.

  • The first tip that can prove to be helpful is surely to launch your app on Twitter and Facebook. In fact, it would perhaps not be wrong to say that this is one of the most important among the social media marketing strategies. All you need is to create a profile on Twitter and start posting about your app and how it can benefit users. The trick to effective social media marketing is to not sound too preachy and manipulative.

  • Whatever you post about the mobile app that you have created should not make it look like you are desperately trying to sell the app. It should just provide some very catchy information about the same in a casual way. What you should aim for, on Twitter, is to get yourself the maximum number of followers possible and actually keep in touch with them. The same trick applies to Facebook. Here too you can create a page, write something about your app and post high resolution, attractive pictures that will entice future customers.

  • Blogging is also a great way to promote your app. If you are a blogger yourself then it’s all the more helpful. Just make sure that your blog is updated regularly and that you invite people to post any of their queries, concerns or experiences regarding the mobile app. In fact, getting your app featured on any tech blog site can also be a good social media marketing strategy to market your mobile app. It could generate interest among your potential customers and encourage them to learn more about the app.

  • Last but not the least; introduce your social media marketing strategies to market your mobile app inside the app as well like having the Tweet, FB Like and share button inside your app. This often makes for creation or generation of more hype surrounding your product. When it comes to mobile apps, more hype means more clicks an usually more business too.

These are some of the good social media marketing strategies to market your mobile app that you need to invest your time and finances in, along with ensuring that the app itself lives up to the hype and interest that you will generate using these methods.

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