Add Signature To Every Blog Post in Blogger/Blogspot !!

If u Want to Pretty Up Your Post,There Are many Things,But to Add Signature to your Blogger Post is Much Fun.Well,Below i am Showing a Tutorial How to Add a Signature to Your Blogger Post! You must first have a signature that you want to have at the bottom of your post. This signature will be in the form of an image.

MyLiveSignature, a free graphic signature making service that helps you to “make a signature” from 120 different fonts. The Plugin then uses the HTML code MyLiveSignature provides to feature your new graphic signature on your blog. You can add that to your blogger, or take advantage of the LiveSig WordPress Plugin to add it automatically.

Steps ::

1> Create a signature using MyLiveSignature or any other website.

2) Copy the Image URL.

3) Log in to your blogger account.

4) Go to Layout > Edit Html > Expand Widget Templates

5) Now search for the following code


6) Paste the following code just below the <P><data:post.body/></P>

<img src=”http://YOUR ANIMATED PICTURE URL” />

7) Save the template.

8) DONE. Enjoy.

If you still have problem, then ask through comments. I will reply to your comment here.

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