5 Ways to Simplify Your Web Design

Have you ever visited a website and got so frustrated by its design and layout that you left and never went back? The owner of that website has just lost a potentially valuable customer.


This could have been easily prevented by simplifying the websites design to make it easier to browse and purchase products or services. Unfortunately, thousands of other website owners are in the same position. The good news is this problem can be easily rectified.

Think Carefully About How You Use Images

The old saying ‘a picture paints a thousand words’ is particularly relevant when it comes to website design. Images are a vital component of any website. The rise of responsive website technology, social media and mobile technology has increased the importance of images. The proper use of images on a website can increase conversions, so long as they are not overused and are clickable.

Use a Minimalist Design

Less is more when it comes to modern web design. Choose a theme or template that avoids clutter. Your main webpages should only include the most important information about your business, products and services. A visitor should immediately understand what your website is about.

For example place your most important information above the fold. The rest of the homepage should include other vital details such as snippets of customer testimonials to get the trust of new visitors.

Don’t Use Too Many Colors and Gimmicks

Some website designers and developers try to express themselves too much when they create a website. Over use of bright colors, popups, plugins, widgets and too many images, destroy a website visitor’s user experience. Always keep the goal of your website in mind. Above all, don’t distract your visitors by including unnecessary features.

Create an Easy-To-Use Navigation System

You should aim to keep website visitors on your website for as long as possible. Make it easy for website visitors to navigate your website and go from one page to another. Adding the most important pages to menus and interlinking all of your pages through links in your content, increases the likelihood of visitors easily clicking from one webpage to another.

Implement a Well-Thought-out Content Strategy

Many website creators spend too much time focusing on the visual side of a website. However, the content you add is probably more important. Think carefully about the content you are adding and how it will be presented. Add concise content and always highlight the most important points.

If you think you have to add too much test to get your point across, consider using other mediums such as images or video to explain what your website is about.

It’s never been as important as it is now to simplify your website design. Today’s internet users access websites on a wide range of devices including laptops, tablets and various kinds of mobile devices.

This means your website has to be simple and responsive so that it appears properly on different screen sizes. If you are looking for a simple website design solution use a web design directory. You can learn more here.

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