10 Tips to Choose the Right and Better SSL Certificates Provider

When first deciding to buy an SSL certificate for your eBusiness website Google is often a first step to learn more about the most reliable SSL certificate provider option and solutions at cheap prices.  Unfortunately, as we all know, the level of online scams and fraud risk is increasing daily; website owners should choose the best SSL security solution option that meets all their needs, instead of just selecting any SSL at a cheap price.

The internet is a global marketplace and it enables any eBusiness to do business around the world, which eliminates any concern about being limited to a single city or region. As a result, SSL certificates have become a vital asset to any online business. Expand your business globally by integrating an SSL certificate solution on your eCommerce site.

For Security purposes, eCommerce business owners need to display popular trusted symbols of web security on their online eCommerce platform. To accomplish this SSL certificate is a must. Choose one with the strongest encryption technology to build trust, boost confidence and increase conversions, which do not come at the cheapest price.

Searching the Internet for price comparisons is very common. Especially using search parameter terms like the heap, cheapest, less price, best price, discount, best deal and many other terms. But, when it comes to buying an SSL certificate there are many technical options to consider.

It is important to purchase and install a certificate that is appropriate for each site unique need. Choose an SSL Certificate with the best technical support by investing a little more money rather than purchasing an SSL Certificate at a low price with horrible technical support. In the era of technology, we count on 24/7 technical support and admin management tools to manage all our web security needs in one place.

In the SSL industry there are plenty of SSL resellers available to fulfill your SSL security needs at the cheapest prices. However, in the end it may be a challenge when it comes to getting technical support. Having 24/7 access to support is key when choosing who to buy your SSL certificate from.

Here are the 10 Important Key Points to consider before choosing an SSL Certificate Provider:

1. Does the SSL provider have a valid EV SSL Certificate themselves?


In the SSL market, there are plenty of SSL security providers and it’s a major decision to select the right one. Unfortunately some are fly-by-night SSL companies who cannot even get authenticated and approved for an Extended Validation (EV) SSL themselves from a third party certificate authority.  Choose a provider who has a green browser address bar displaying their own EV certificate.

2. Does the SSL provider Have Dedicated Phone Support?

Let’s face it, whenever you‘re dealing with web servers and other IT related stuff, it’s almost inevitable at some point you will experience technical issues since web servers are a core part of doing business online. Choose an SSL provider who you can call and talk to.

3. Does the SSL provider have a valid mailing address?


A verifiable mailing address always helps validate a company to web users. It’s a good choice not to select a provider who is working out of their home or from a virtual office address.  A valid mailing address legitimizes a company that primarily does business on the Web.

4. Does the SSL provider focus only on SSL?

There are lots of companies adding SSL offerings to their products along with lots of other stuff to turn a profit.  If the company is not set-up appropriately to manage the support needs of their SSL customers then it is a disaster waiting to happen.  Choose an SSL provider dedicated and focused solely on SSL certificates.

5. Does the SSL provider offer more than one SSL brand?

If a provider offers only one brand of SSL for your SSL security needs, then they will only be in the position to recommend that single SSL brand. So regardless of whether it is the right solution or not, they will recommend the brand of solution they offer. Select an SSL provider with a wide portfolio of SSL brand options to choose from who will offer unbiased suggestions for your SSL solution.

6. Does the SSL provider offer true 24/7/365 live support?

Some SSL Resellers claim that they offer 24/7 support via chat, phone and email, but when it’s time to reach them you can’t find a single person available on support.  Before choosing an SSL provider check to see how they manage their 24/7 schedule to accommodate all time zones.

7. Is there a reference letter available from the vendor for the SSL provider?

Any company can claim that they are partners with the major certificate authorities (CA’s), but it is always nice to get confirmation and to see quality reference letters and visual confirmation of successful partnerships. It’s recommended to check out the relationship between the Reseller and certificate authority before choosing an SSL provider.

8. Does the SSL provider offer SSL tools to confirm SSL installation?

Check for SSL tools and check if they provide SSL tools to authenticate SSL security features and to confirm whether the SSL installed on the web server or not.

9. Does the SSL Provider have an auto SSL Renewal system to remind customers before an SSL certificate expires?

Sometimes, SSL providers focus more on new SSL sales and not on SSL renewals. This can be caused by a number of reasons and the most common is due to the lack of an adequate SSL management program to handle client orders, communication preferences and billing systems. As a result, the sites lose their certificate when it expires and this directly affects website visitors.  Don’t let your SSL certificate expire because your site will be unencrypted, entrusted and unsecure. Choose and SSL provider who will remind you before your SSL certificate expires.

10. Does the SSL provider offer a money back guarantee?

The Best SSL Providers always take care of their customers’ trust and their money. If you want to cancel your order within the 30 day timeline then you’ll get your money back without any conflict or delay.

In conclusion, each of these points is all very important to consider when choosing the right SSL Certificate provider.  We all know that strong SSL web security is key to the success of any company doing business online. It leads to more profit from customers by creating trust and confidence over the Web.

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