When you find that you are stuck in a rut and your site is suffering the consequences of stagnancy and unprofitably then it might be time to seek the services of a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Company. They would be able to guide you through the secrets and changes to be made to optimise your site and what information or services you are providing.
A seasoned SEO company would test any ideas with regards to layout, content, keywords and security before proceeding to engage in any improvisations. According to the results of the testing within a stipulated period of time, the changes or additions are then made.
Depending on the location of the link in the page, results would vary in search engines. The higher up in the page the link is found, the better the results in the search engines. Having said that, it is essential that you recognise the value of internet users’ needs and demands and what most people are searching for.
Latest figures show that up to 40% of individuals search the web every single day and up to 90% have used it this function before. This is done for a variety of reasons, from looking for services, businesses, information or just simple curiosity. Billions of pounds in transactions are carried out daily over the web.
Keywords typed in bold, descriptions and titles are prime factors in being picked up by search engines. HTML format is the main one used and picked up by search engines so ensure that you content is written in HTML. Flash, Java and audio and video files are also not picked up so it would be better to separate these files for a page which does not contain the desired keyword.
SEO companies would also be able to make sure that all ranked pages are fully accessible and do not contain any forms or links that cannot be opened. They would also be able to convert visits into clicks and time spent on site which will hopefully end up with a few sales. Gradual improvements are noted and improved but it is important to dedicate some patience to generate good visibility.
Remember that search engines are continuously changing the way that results appear. Viruses, spam and broken links all contribute to new techniques so as to protect the users, who are search engine’s main market and focus.