5 Surefire Ways to Add Security to Your Dedicated Server


In many ways, having a dedicated server rather than a self-hosted or shared server can provide added security for you and your data. At the same time, no type of hosting is 100% fail-proof or safe from the many malicious hackers and scammers out there.


Fortunately, when you have a dedicated server, there are some additional precautions you can take to bolster security regardless of whether you’re using your server to host a website, for gaming, or for any purpose in between.

Opt for DDoS Protection

These days, an increasing number of hosting companies have begun to offer protection against DDoS attacks as part of their services with a dedicated server. In fact, some companies even offer free standard DDoS protection for smaller attacks.

If you don’t already have at least some form of this protection in place, now is the time to add it to your hosting package. Specifically, DDoS protection can help prevent site downtime and slowdowns related to attacks of “spam” traffic by filtering traffic as it comes through your server.

Check for Updates Frequently

Another important, yet simple, step you should be taking to protect your server and your data is to check for security updates and patches frequently. Ideally, this should be part of your everyday routine.

While some software may alert you when there is an update or security patch available, this is not always the case, so checking manually is a great way to stay on track. Failing to install security updates and patches can lead to serious vulnerabilities that may also make you more susceptible to an attack.

Only Use Trusted Networks

When logging onto your dedicated hosting account, make sure you’re using a trusted Internet network. Ideally, you should be logging on using your own secured network either at home or at your place of business. Avoid using public, open networks (such as those in cafes or airports) to log in, as the information transmitted on these connections can be easily viewed by hackers and then used to compromise your account.

Make sure that everyone who has access to your hosting account is aware that they are only to log on when using a secure network.

Delete Software You Don’t Use

If you find that you have software on your server that you’re no longer using and have no plans to use again in the future, be sure to delete it completely. Even if you don’t use the software, it could still be a security risk and lead to a host of problems if any data is compromised. Better to free up the space and not take the risk by simply deleting it altogether, along with any files associated with the software.

Back Up Your Data Often

Unfortunately, all the security precautions in the world may not always be enough to protect you from an attack. For this reason, it’s important that you take the time to back up your important server data as often as possible. This way, in the event that data is lost or stolen, you will still have a copy of the information, coding for your website, or other data that can be used to restore your site or begin the damage control process.

A little bit of planning and precaution can go a long way in protecting yourself from an attack or other type of security breach. Be sure to follow these simple, yet effective, steps to improve security on your dedicated server and reduce your chances of falling victim to a web attack.

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